This Uber Driver Gave Me Better Advice Than A $500k Consultant From McKinsey

Yaqoob Ahmad
3 min readMay 21, 2024
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I’m on my 7th venture. So I take my advice with extra pinches of salt.

I was lucky enough to get to sit in and head from a panel at my university hearing about career advice from former students.

The panel had people from every corner of the corporate world from Deloitte, EY and McKinsey.

After a 2 hour session of chatting we were allowed a post session networking mixup with the panel.

I made my way to each person until finally as the evening drew to a close I caught the McKinsey consultant and struck up a conversation.

We chatted about what consultancy is like, I asked him questions about work culture and earnings. Finally I brought up what I really wanted to ask.

I said something amongst the lines of “You consult on businesses all the time, do you mind looking at the app I’m building and giving some advice”.

Keep in mind companies pay a minimum of 500k for strategy advice from these guys so I thought I was getting a steal.

I handed my phone to him, talking him through the app, demonstrating all the features. After a couple minutes he handed the phone to me and said “yeah looks great, keep going with it”.



Yaqoob Ahmad

The magic you're searching for is in the work you're avoiding.