Business | Startup

My Startup Just Won £2.5k — Here’s How To Make A Killer Business In 6 Months

Underrated advice: Have an unofficial founder

Yaqoob Ahmad
3 min readMay 9, 2024


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You’ll need 106 things in order for your business to succeed.

I can’t list them all.

But here’s 3 ways I’ve built and positioned my business to win £2.5k.

Have an unofficial founder

I can’t believe how under talked about this one is.

You need someone who knows your problem inside and out.

That’s how you’ll build features others are missing, get your first 5 customers and actually get live feedback.

We were lucky to get a cafe owner to be our ‘unofficial founder’ whilst building our temperature logging app.

It was the biggest and best step we ever took, nurturing that relationship.

Have a kickass story — VCs love this

I don’t have enough experience with VCs.

I know I wanna become one. I know to avoid them if possible. But I’ve learnt after meeting one that they love stories.



Yaqoob Ahmad

The magic you're searching for is in the work you're avoiding.